106. Guided Wave Quantitative Contact Corrosion Measurement Wednesday | Room D | 16:30 4.2 NDE |
107. Opportunities for Proactive Root Cause Analysis in Integrity Management Thursday | Room D | 15:30 8.4 Risk Assessment and Management 2 |
108. Monitoring Pipeline Movement Using Magnetic-Based Technology_ A Comparative Study Friday | Room D | 9:30 12.1 Geohazards 3 |
109. Challenging ILI for SOUR GAS Service Pipeline Friday | Room B | 9:30 10.1 ILI Applications 2 |
110. Integrity Management Operations for Gas Operators in the Context of New Emissions Regulations Friday | Room A | 11:00 9.2 Pigging Operations |
116. Advanced Technology for Tensile and Fracture Toughness Characterization of In-Service Piping Thursday | Room C | 14:00 7.3 Materials Identification/ Verification 1 |
121. A Systematic Nine-Step Framework for Facilities Integrity Management Program (FIMP) Development and Implementation Thursday | Room B | 11:00 6.2 Integrity Management 2 |
123. Development and Experience of a Practical Approach to Risk Based Inspection_ Planning Offshore Pipeline Inspection Campaigns Thursday | Room B | 15:30 6.4 Subsea Inspection & Monitoring 2 |
124. Interim Results from the JIP Evaluation of Repair Technologies for Circumferential Cracks on Pipelines of the Steel Compression Reinforcement Sleeve Thursday | Room A | 13:30 5.3 Repair/ Rehabilitation 2 |
125. Advanced 3D Scour Modeling of Pipeline Water Crossings Wednesday | Room D | 15:00 4.1 Geohazards 1 |
127. Axial and Circumferential Crack Grinding Repair Analysis Using 3-D Crack Meshes Thursday | Room A | 14:30 5.3 Repair/ Rehabilitation 2 |
128. Using Machine Learning to Manage SCC_ Data Strategy and Best Practices Wednesday | Room A | 14:30 1.1 Stress Corrosion Cracking |
129. A GIS-Based Assessment of PHMSA Geohazard Bulletin Case Studies Thursday | Room D | 8:30 8.1 Geohazards 2 |
130. A Simplified Methodology for Remaining Life Prediction of Dents Thursday | Room C | 10:30 7.2 Dent Assessment and Management 2 |
134. Prediction of Yield Strength from Chemistry and Grain Size Using Historical Models Thursday | Room C | 16:30 7.4 Materials Identification/ Verification 2 |
140. Remaining Life Assessment of Hydrogen Pipelines for Flaw Sizes Below ILI and NDE Detection Limits Wednesday | Room C | 16:30 3.2 Engineering Assessment 2 |
144. When Third-Party Damage Strikes! An Investigative Approach Using Carbon Fiber Composite Wrap as an Acceptable Method of Repair. Thursday | Room A | 16:00 5.4 Repair/ Rehabilitation 3 |
145. Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of Surface Preparation on Instrumented Indentation Testing (IIT) Thursday | Room C | 15:30 7.4 Materials Identification/ Verification 2 |
148. Assessing Geohazard Impact on Buried Pipeline Integrity Via Critical Strain-Based Failure Model Friday | Room D | 9:00 12.1 Geohazards 3 |
149. Using ILI to Establish Confidence in TVC Records Thursday | Room C | 14:30 7.3 Materials Identification/ Verification 1 |
154. High-Resolution Acoustic ILI_ Introducing Triple-Threat Detection and Sizing in a Single Pass Friday | Room B | 8:30 10.1 ILI Applications 2 |
156. Evaluating Pipeline Integrity_ The Impact of Non-Intrusive Isolation Tools and the Advantages of Two- Way Communication Thursday | Room B | 10:30 6.2 Integrity Management 2 |
161. Leveraging Destructive Testing to Enhance Detection and Identification of Complex Cracking in LF-ERW; Case Study Phase II Wednesday | Opening session | 12:00 Plenary |
162. Hide and Seek - The Games Pigs Play Friday | Room A | 11:30 9.2 Pigging Operations |
164. Can it Take the Heat_ Analyzing the Behavior and Performance of Composite Repair Systems in Elevated Temperature Environments Thursday | Room A | 16:30 5.4 Repair/ Rehabilitation 3 |
166. Assessing Landslide Risk to Pipelines Installed by Horizontal Directional Drilling Using Inertial Measurement Unit Data Friday | Room D | 8:30 12.1 Geohazards 3 |
167. Practical Challenges of Using the RP 1183 Shape Parameter Methods Wednesday | Opening session | 9:30 Plenary |
168. Anomalous Weld Identification by Applying a Principal Component Analysis to Magnetic Flux Density Data Captured by a Free-Floating ILI Tool Friday | Room C | 11:30 11.2 ‘Unpiggable’ Inspections & Technologies |
171. API 579-1_ASME FSS-1 FAD Level 2 Assessment Method is Conservative for Cases of Pipelines with Cracking and Seam Weld Defects Thursday | Room A | 11:00 5.2 Crack Assessment and Management 2 |
174. Tethered Robotics for Unpiggable Pipelines_ the Development and Field Deployment of TRITON Thursday | Room B | 16:00 6.4 Subsea Inspection & Monitoring 2 |
175. Trap Safety – Awareness of Normalization of Deviation Friday | Room A | 10:30 9.2 Pigging Operations |
176. Development and Implementation of a Compact 36-Inch Combination Ultrasonic ILI Tool for Enhanced Pipeline Integrity Management Wednesday | Room B | 14:00 2.1 ILI Applications 1 |
177. A Sensitivity Analysis of Key Parameters in a Probabilistic Risk Assessment Model for Transmission Pipelines Thursday | Room D | 13:30 8.3 Risk Assessment and Management 1 |
178. Don’t Make Your Piggable Pipeline Unpiggable Friday | Room C | 10:30 11.2 ‘Unpiggable’ Inspections & Technologies |
179. BR (Basic Rupture) – A Framework to Improve the Likelihood of Failure Consequence Thursday | Room D | 16:00 8.4 Risk Assessment and Management 2 |
180. Another Coffee Shop_ An Optimised Process to Assess the Impact of Above Ground Pipeline Loading and Identify Suitable Mitigation Thursday | Room D | 14:00 8.3 Risk Assessment and Management 1 |
182. Axial Strain Evaluation and Integration into Geohazard Management Program Wednesday | Room D | 14:30 4.1 Geohazards 1 |
183. The Value and Science Behind MDS Pro Assessment Techniques Friday | Room C | 9:30 11.1 ILI Analysis |
184. Integrity Management of Axial Stress Corrosion Cracking (ASCC), and Selective Seam Weld Corrosion (SSWC) Using Multi-Field CMFL ILI Technology Wednesday | Room B | 17:00 2.2 Selective Seam Weld Corrosion |
187. Seam Cracking IMP Enhancements with an Innovative and Accurate Time-Based Crack Sizing ILI Tool Thursday | Room A | 9:00 5.1 Crack Assessment and Management 1 |
189. Improving POI of Crack Detection ILI Calls - An Operator Case Study Using a Predictive Data Driven Process Thursday | Room A | 11:30 5.2 Crack Assessment and Management 2 |
193. Determination of Destructive Strength and Chemical Composition Uncertainties for Material Property Verification Thursday | Room C | 16:00 7.4 Materials Identification/ Verification 2 |
195. Bi-Directional Tethered EMAT In-Line Inspections_ A Case Study Friday | Room C | 11:00 11.2 ‘Unpiggable’ Inspections & Technologies |
196. 3D Visualization of High-Resolution ILI Caliper Data_ A Systematic Framework for Fitness-For-Service Assessment of Pipeline Wrinkles Wednesday | Room C | 15:00 3.1 Engineering Assessment 1 |
197. The Sky is Not Falling – Mechanical Damage Can Be Assessed Appropriately Wednesday | Opening session | 11:00 Plenary |
198. Evaluation of Stress-Relief Excavation for Pipeline Affected by Landslide - Case Study Thursday | Room D | 8:00 8.1 Geohazards 2 |
202. Estimating ILI Tool Performance in Identifying Unique Pipe Populations for Material Verification Thursday | Room D | 11:30 8.2 ILI Validation/ Verification |
204. The Evolution of Competency Certification in the Pipeline Industry – the Pipeline Integrity Engineer Thursday | Room B | 9:00 6.1 Integrity Management 1 |
205. Identifying and Characterizing Corrosion Morphologies More Effectively with Tri-Axial MFL Signal Analysis Friday | Room C | 8:30 11.1 ILI Analysis |
209. Gaining a Better Understanding of Hard Spot Threats_ Summary of Findings from a Joint Industry Research Initiative Friday | Room A | 8:00 9.1 Hard Spots |
214. Decoding Requirements for Engineering Assessment of Repurposed Hydrogen and Blends Pipelines Wednesday | Room C | 17:00 3.2 Engineering Assessment 2 |
215. State of Integrity 2025 Wednesday | Opening session | 8:15 Plenary |
217. The Present and Future of Practical Pipe Body Hard Spot Integrity Management Wednesday | Opening session | 9:00 Plenary |
219. Four Years and Counting Thursday | Room B | 8:00 6.1 Integrity Management 1 |
220. Leveraging Validation Data to Improve ILI Performance for SSWC Wednesday | Room B | 16:30 2.2 Selective Seam Weld Corrosion |
222. What Can You Do with an Abundance of ILI Validation Data_ Thursday | Room D | 11:00 8.2 ILI Validation/ Verification |
224. Managing Internal Corrosion Threat in Unpiggable Pipeline and Facility Dead Legs Friday | Room B | 11:00 10.2 Corrosion Assessment and Management |
227. A Novel Method for Geospatially Organizing and Integrating IMU Bending Strain Feature Data to Optimize Geohazard Threat Detection Friday | Room D | 11:00 12.2 Geohazards 4 |
229. Overcoming Operational Obstacles_ A Collaborative Approach to a in Line Inspection of a Unique Mexican Gas Pipeline Wednesday | Room B | 14:30 2.1 ILI Applications 1 |
230. Addressing Dents in Difficult-To-Inspect Natural Gas Pipelines_ Enhancing Safety and Integrity with Robotics, Laser Technology, and Advanced Analytics Thursday | Room C | 8:00 7.1 Dent Assessment and Management 1 |
231. Complementary ILI Data-Driven Analysis to Identify the Interaction of Pipe Geohazards in Colombia’s Specific Geomorphological Conditions Friday | Room D | 8:00 12.1 Geohazards 3 |
232. Landslide Susceptibility Maps for Pipeline Geohazard Assessments Friday | Room D | 11:30 12.2 Geohazards 4 |
233. EMAT-C Ultra Technology for Crack Inspection in Gas Pipelines Thursday | Room A | 8:30 5.1 Crack Assessment and Management 1 |
235. Girth Weld Reinforcement Case Study_ A Numerical and Experimental Approach Thursday | Room A | 15:30 5.4 Repair/ Rehabilitation 3 |
238. Multi-Layer Al_Al2O3 Barrier Coating to Retrofit Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines to Safely Transport CO2 or H2 Friday | Room B | 11:30 10.2 Corrosion Assessment and Management |
241. Introduction of a Portable Field Instrument for In-Ditch Pipe Body Toughness Determination Thursday | Room C | 13:30 7.3 Materials Identification/ Verification 1 |
244. Estimating Dent Strain Using Multiple Low-Resolution Caliper Inspections Thursday | Room C | 8:30 7.1 Dent Assessment and Management 1 |
245. Compression Sleeves - A Pragmatic Approach to Managing Design Variables and Constraints Wednesday | Room A | 16:30 1.2 Repair/Rehabilitation 1 |
246. Dents with Cracks that Shouldn't be, a Review of Failure Strain Thursday | Room C | 11:30 7.2 Dent Assessment and Management 2 |
248. How Hard Are Your Hard Spots_ A Deep-Dive into the Subjective Nature of Hardness Measurements Friday | Room A | 8:30 9.1 Hard Spots |
249. Understanding Hard Spots - Guidance for In-The-Ditch Assessment Process Thursday | Room D | 10:30 8.2 ILI Validation/ Verification |
250. Beyond Compliance Optimization Opportunities of the Gas Mega Rule – Pipeline Integrity Management with Digital Twins, Multiple Inspections, and Artificial Intelligence Thursday | Room B | 11:30 6.2 Integrity Management 2 |
252. Inspect the Unexpected_ An Iterative Approach to Developing the Only NPS 4 1.5D Triaxial MFL Combo Tool Friday | Room B | 8:00 10.1 ILI Applications 2 |
254. Improvement of ILI Sizing Accuracy for Problematic Corrosion Profiles Friday | Room B | 10:30 10.2 Corrosion Assessment and Management |
256. Development of ILI Hard Spot Assessment in an Era of Change Friday | Room A | 9:30 9.1 Hard Spots |
260. Probabilistic Assessment of Crack-Like Seam Weld Anomalies in Hydrogen-Blended Natural Gas Pipelines Thursday | Room A | 8:00 5.1 Crack Assessment and Management 1 |
261. Identification of Factors to Determine Statistically Appropriate and Conservative CVN Toughness Values for Transmission Pipelines Wednesday | Room C | 14:00 3.1 Engineering Assessment 1 |
263. Leveling Up_ Axial Crack Evaluation with High-Resolution Acoustic Imaging Friday | Room B | 9:00 10.1 ILI Applications 2 |
264. Increasing Confidence in Direct Assessment with Data Analytics and Large Stand-Off Magnetometry Wednesday | Room D | 17:00 4.2 NDE |
265. A Comparative Study of ICDA and ILI in Subsea Pipelines Thursday | Room B | 14:30 6.3 Subsea Inspection & Monitoring 1 |
270. Managing Integrity Threats in CO2 Pipelines with ILI Wednesday | Room B | 15:00 2.1 ILI Applications 1 |
271. Remediation of Low Cover in the South Fork Nemaha River - A Case Study Wednesday | Room D | 14:00 4.1 Geohazards 1 |
273. Beyond the Code Requirements of Welding an In-Service Procedure Qualification Record Wednesday | Room A | 17:00 1.2 Repair/Rehabilitation 1 |
275. Methods for Consideration of ILI Measurement Tolerance Friday | Room C | 9:00 11.1 ILI Analysis |
276. Advancements in In-Line Inspection Based Bi-Axial Stress Measurement Technology to Manage the Total Stress Landscape of Pipelines Thursday | Room D | 9:00 8.1 Geohazards 2 |
278. Development of a High-Resolution Hard Spot Specification for Reliable Inline Inspection and Threat Management Friday | Room A | 9:00 9.1 Hard Spots |
279. The Benefits of ILI Signal Review Analyses in ILI Run-To-Run Comparisons – a Case Study Friday | Room C | 8:00 11.1 ILI Analysis |
280. Lessons Learned Using API 1163 for Metal-Loss ILIs Wednesday | Opening session | 11:30 Plenary |
281. Evaluating Screening Methods as an Alternative to Dent Strain Assessments Thursday | Room C | 9:00 7.1 Dent Assessment and Management 1 |
283. Validating Crack-Detection In-Line Inspections with API 1163 Thursday | Room A | 10:30 5.2 Crack Assessment and Management 2 |
285. Accounting for Data Gaps and Uncertainty in Pipeline Risk Assessment and Integrity Assurance Thursday | Room D | 14:30 8.3 Risk Assessment and Management 1 |
286. Integrity Budget Optimization Through Financial Quantification of Risk Results Thursday | Room D | 16:30 8.4 Risk Assessment and Management 2 |
288. Detection and Sizing of SCC in Seam Welds of Pipelines with IWEX Advanced Ultrasonic Imaging Wednesday | Room A | 15:00 1.1 Stress Corrosion Cracking |
290. A Comprehensive Framework for Automated Dent Screening and Integrity Assessment Using In-Line Inspection Data, Finite Element Analysis, and Cloud Computing Thursday | Room C | 11:00 7.2 Dent Assessment and Management 2 |
292. An Identity Crisis, the Impact of Manufactured Bends in Bending Strain Assessments Friday | Room D | 10:30 12.2 Geohazards 4 |
293. Bending the Repair_ Expanding Repair Techniques for Circumferential Stress Corrosion Cracking Thursday | Room A | 14:00 5.3 Repair/ Rehabilitation 2 |
294. NPMS Minimum Requirements for 2025 & Beyond Thursday | Room B | 8:30 6.1 Integrity Management 1 |
295. Highlighting the Threat of Circumferential Stress Corrosion Cracking (CSCC) with Advanced In-Line Inspection Tools Wednesday | Room A | 14:00 1.1 Stress Corrosion Cracking |
297. Temperature to Support Fully Ductile Initiation of Surface Crack in a Pipe Wednesday | Room C | 14:30 3.1 Engineering Assessment 1 |
298. Gulf of Mexico Riser Inspections Using a Self-Propelled Ultrasonic Solution Thursday | Room B | 14:00 6.3 Subsea Inspection & Monitoring 1 |
299. Enhancing Subsea Pipeline Integrity_ A Strategic Approach to Inspection and Management Thursday | Room B | 16:30 6.4 Subsea Inspection & Monitoring 2 |
300. Case Study_ Inspection of a High-Pressure, Multi-Diameter Deepwater Crude Oil Pipeline Using ART Scan Thursday | Room B | 13:30 6.3 Subsea Inspection & Monitoring 1 |