Exhibition Guide

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United Pacific Projects LTD

Booth number: 145

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11550 40 street SE
calgary, AB T2z4v6
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Contact:Cameron Tolley
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Operating in Canada and the United States, United Pacific Projects (UPP) specializes in Pipeline Inline Inspection (ILI) using Smart Pigging technology.

One tool with multiple configurations can scan for MFL, IMU, Caliper data, and more – all in one run. Data is then analysed and reported on with industry leading experts and software detecting and flagging anomalies to give you a clear course of action.

United Pacific Projects LTD specializes in:

Caliper services, Corrosion assessment and management, Dents, Geohazards assessment, mitigation, Geometry, deformation inspection, ILI analysis, ILI services, ILI verification, validation, Metal‐loss inspection, Strain assessment and management

Upstream Vee, LLC

Booth number: 213

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1711 Ford St,
Golden 80401
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Contact:Craig Champlin
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Multi-sensor inspection balls (MSIBs) locate low-volume leaks, map flow lines, and screen for metal loss. Despite their usefulness, long or low-flow pipelines mean MSIB batteries die before the inspection completes. Other pipes cannot be shut down to extract them.

Upstream Vee's SID-Sucker lets MSIBs work anywhere. Our retrieval net uses a single-block-and-bleed chamber fitted to a 4-inch tee. Hot tapping allows you to extract and redeploy MSIBs anywhere without shutting down or removing joints.

Are you a field-services company that wants to be known as an expert in MSIB deployments? Visit booth 213 and ask about our early adopter program.

Upstream Vee, LLC specializes in:

Corrosion monitoring, Equipment rental, Leak detection, Mapping, Monitoring systems and technology, Multi-diameter inspections, Pig valves, Pipeline profile/mapping, Receivers, receiving, Traps

Other products and services include:

Multi Sensor Inspection Balls (MSIBs)

Company literature:

USA Debusk

Booth number: 230

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1005 W 8th street
Deer Park, TX 77536
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Contact:Alaina Ursin
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Industrial cleaning services

USA Debusk specializes in:

Cleaning, chemical, Cleaning, external, Cleaning, internal, Coatings, external, Coatings, internal, Eddy current technology, Foam pigs, Internal coating & liners, Pipeline profile/mapping, Robotics