7.30: Registration, breakfast, coffee
8.00 – 5.00: Course
It will be necessary to bring a laptop to this course.
Participants of this course will be introduced to the theory and implementation of state-of-the-art nondestructive testing methods to verify material properties, not only for compliance with regulatory requirements but also for better informing their integrity management programs. Attendees will learn about benchmark laboratory destructive testing and measurement uncertainties, as well as develop an understanding of the elements necessary to establish a successful internal materials verification program. Throughout the course, within each section of the syllabus, case studies will be used to solidify key concepts.
Supervisors, pipeline and facility engineers, and technicians responsible for ensuring compliance with PHMSA’s 2019 Gas Transmission rule; NDT service-providers; and related pipeline industry stakeholders will also benefit from attending the course.
On completion of this course, attendees will be able to understand:
- Federal code requirements for a nondestructive testing-based materials verification program
- Laboratory destructive testing for chemical composition, strength, and metallography
- Measurement theory and data uncertainty
- Theory behind common NDT tools that estimate strength and chemical composition
- NDT tool validation
- NDT measurement uncertainty
- In situ metallography and microstructure quantification
- Elements that comprise a successful internal NDT program
- Methods for establishing grade and vintage from NDT data
Upon completion of the course, participants will be awarded 1.4 CEUs.
Complete course presentation material will be available as a PDF download prior to the course.
Dr. Peter Martin is a Materials Engineer specializing in the characterization of process induced structure-property relations in metallic materials. He has experience in quantitative metallography, failure analysis, additive manufacturing, and nondestructive testing.
Dr. Peter Veloo is a Principal Gas Integrity Management Engineer at the Pacific Gas and Electric Company with 12 years’ experience in pipeline and facilities integrity management. He presently focuses on MAOP reconfirmation, material property verification, and wildfire risk mitigation. He received a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Southern California.
- Overview of 49 CFR 192.607 – Materials Verification (1 hour)
1.1. Applications of material verification: MAOP reconfirmation, ECA, establishing populations
1.2. Regulatory requirements for nondestructive testing
1.3. Establishing criteria for opportunistic materials verification - Laboratory/Destructive Testing (1 hour)
2.1. Tensile testing
2.2. Chemical composition
2.3. Metallography
2.4. Considerations for assessing laboratories - Measurement Theory – Testing Uncertainty (1 hour)
3.1. Random versus systematic uncertainty
3.2. Methods for quantifying uncertainty
3.3. Uncertainty in benchmark data from destructive testing - Establishing Grade and Vintage (1 hour)
4.1. Challenges with determining grade – SME approaches to establishing grade or vintage
4.2. Probabilistic and machine learning approaches to grade and vintage
4.3. Establishing populations - Nondestructive Methods for Estimating Yield and Ultimate Tensile Strength (2 hours)
5.1. Strength versus Grade – Historical trends
5.2. Field NDT methods for strength determination
5.2.1. Indentation-based Methods Instrumented Indentation Testing Indentation Plastometry
5.2.2. MMT – HSD
5.2.3. CheckMate
5.2.4. Other Technologies
5.3. Comparison of Methods – Limitations and sources of uncertainty
- Chemical Composition Nondestructive Examination (2 hours)
6.1. Composition versus Grade – Historical trends
6.2. Field NDT methods for composition
6.2.1. Portable Spark Optical Emission Spectroscopy
6.2.2. Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
6.2.3. X-Ray Florescence Spectroscopy
6.2.4. Laboratory Analysis of Metal Filings
6.3. Comparison of Methods – Limitations and sources of uncertainty - In Situ Metallography (1 hour)
7.1. Brief review of steel microstructures and their implications
7.2. Methods for field metallography
7.3. Correlating microstructures to grade and properties
7.3.1. Qualitative interpretation of microstructures
7.3.2. Quantitative metallography and correlation to historical data - Elements of an Operator’s Nondestructive Examination Program (3 hours)
8.1. Validating nondestructive testing methods
8.2. Establishing field testing plans
8.3. Utilization of an operator’s existing material records
8.4. In situ NDT data quality control and quality assurance
8.5. Record keeping requirements
8.6. NDT vendor operator qualification programs