Conference Program

Program is subject to change without notice

2025 - Wednesday, January 29


Breakfast sponsored by Inline Service  NDT Global

7:00 Registration open

1.0 Plenary - Opening Session

sponsored by NDT Global

  Session chair: Yohann Miglis, Kinder Morgan
8:00 Opening remarks

215 State of Integrity 2025
Sheri Baucom
OneBridge Solutions, Inc., Durango, USA

8:45 Young Pipeline Professional Annual Recognition Award Presentation

217 Managing the Pipe Body Hard Spots Integrity Threat
Michael Rosenfeld¹, Bill Amend¹, Simon Slater²
¹RSI Pipeline Solutions, New Albany, USA, ²ROSEN Group, Coumbus, USA


167 Practical Challenges of Using the RP 1183 Shape Parameter Methods
Rhett Dotson¹, Brian Leis²
¹D2 Integrity, Houston, USA,²B N Leis, Consultant, Inc., Columbus, USA

10:00 Refreshment Break
1.0 Plenary - Opening Session (cont'd)
Session chair: Jerry Rau, JTrain

197 The Sky Is Not Falling – Mechanical Damage Can Be Assessed Appropriately
Arnav Rana¹, Sanjay Tiku¹, Ali Roostaei¹, Behrouz Shiari¹, Vlado Semiga¹, Aaron Dinovitzer², Munendra Tomar³, Yohann Miglis, Mark Piazza
¹BMT Canada, Ottawa, Canada, ²ADIM Consulting, Ottawa, Canada, ³TC Energy, Houston, USA, Kinder Morgan, Houston, USA, American Petroleum Institute, Washington DC, USA


280 Lessons Learned Using API 1163 for Metal-Loss ILIs
Tom Bubenik, Matt Ellinger
DNV, Dublin, USA


161 Leveraging Destructive Testing to enhance Detection and Identification of Complex Cracking in LF-ERW; Case Study Phase II
Christopher Newton¹, Jordi Aymerich², Sayan Pipatpan³, Tannia Haro, Santiago Urrea, Alex Hensley
¹Phillips 66, Houston, USA, ²NDT Global, Calgary, Canada, ³NDT Global, Stutensee, Germany, NDT Global, Houston, USA


Lunch sponsored by Enduro

  Room A Room B Room C Room D
  1.1 Stress Corrosion Cracking 2.1 ILI Applications 1 3.1 Engineering Assessment 1 4.1 Geohazards 1
  Session chair: Jim Marr, Marr Associates Session chair: George Williamson, IERP Session chair: Andrew Cosham, Ninth Planet Engineering Session chair: Dongliang Lu, South Bow

176 Development and Implementation of a Compact 36-inch Combination Ultrasonic ILI Tool for Enhanced Pipeline Integrity Management
Nathan Leslie¹, Jake Haase², Jonas Butterer³
¹NDT Global, Houston, USA, ²Colonial Pipeline Company, Alpharetta, USA, ³NDT Global, Stutensee, Germany

261 Identification of Factors to Determine Statistically Appropriate and Conservative CVN Toughness Values for Transmission Pipelines
Brett Davis¹, Brian Patrick², Liyu Wang², Heather Watson², Ted Zirkle³, Alexander Hudgins³, Yash Bhargava³
¹Exponent, Inc., Menlo Park, USA, ²Pacific Gas & Electric Company, San Ramon, USA, ³Exponent, Inc., Philadelphia, USA

271 A Case Study of a Riverbank and Riverbed Armoring and Regrading Geohazard Remediation.
Eric Jenkins¹, Stella Cunha²
¹Tetra Tech, Denver, USA, ²Enbridge, Calgary, Canada


128 Using Machine Learning to Manage SCC: Data Strategy and Best Practices
Syed Aijaz¹, Clifford Maier¹, Michael Gloven²
¹TC Energy, Houston, USA, ²Pipeline-Risk (PLR), Denver, USA

229 Overcoming Operational Obstacles: A Collaborative Approach to a In Line Inspection of a Unique Mexican Gas Pipeline
McKenzie Kissel¹, Keila Caridad², Aaron Schartner³, Neil Shortt³, Jose Fernando Vazquez², Pu Gong³, Stephen Westwood³
¹Onstream Pipeline Inspection, Calgary, Canada, ²TC Energy, Mexico City, Mexico, ³TC Energy, Calgary, Canada

182 Axial Strain Evaluation and Integration into Geohazard Management Program
Jeff Haferd¹, Sylvain Cornu²
¹Marathon Pipe Line, Findlay, USA, ²NDT Global, Stutensee, Germany


270 Managing Integrity Threats in CO² Pipelines with ILI
Daniel Sandana, Lauren Guest, Emily Burrow
ROSEN Group, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

196 3D Visualization of High-Resolution ILI Caliper Data: A systematic framework for fitness-for-service assessment of pipeline wrinkles
Kachi Ndubuaku¹, Brendan Eirich², Kristian Olsen³
¹Enbridge, Edmonton, Canada, ²ATCO, Edmonton, Canada, ³Stantec, Edmonton, Canada

125 New 3D Flood and Scour Modelling of Pipeline Water Crossings
Noel Nelson¹, Pete Weber², Soek-Bong Lee², Tim Ross³

¹DoC Mapping, San Diego, USA, ²DoC Mapping, New Orleans, USA, ³DoC Mapping, Calgary, Canada

15:30 Refreshment Break
  Room A Room B Room C Room D

1.2 Repair/Rehabilitation 1

2.2 Selective Seam Weld Corrosion 3.2 Engineering Assessment 2 4.2 NDE
  Session chair: Bill Bruce, DNV Session chair: Gary Krichau, Northern Natural Gas Session chair: Session chair: Andrew Cosham, Ninth Planet Engineering Session chair: Rick McNealy, Chevron (ret.)

245 Compression Sleeves - A Pragmatic Approach to Managing Design Variables and Constraints
Atul Ganpatye¹, Ahmed Hassanin¹, Matt Jaouhari²
¹Acuren, Magnolia, USA, ²Bechtel Energy, Houston, USA

220 Leveraging Validation Data to Improve ILI Performance for SSWC
Christopher Davies, Johannes Spille, Simon Slater
ROSEN Group, Houston, USA

140 Remaining Life Assessment of Hydrogen Pipelines for Flaw Sizes Below ILI and NDE Detection Limits
Zahra Lotfian¹, Michiel Brongers²
¹Kiefner and Associates, Inc., Houston, USA, ²Kiefner and Associates, Inc., Columbus, USA

106 Guided Wave Quantitative Contact Corrosion Measurement
Rhett O’Briant
GUL Americas, Houston, USA


273 Beyond the Code Requirements of Welding an In-Service Procedure Qualification Record
Justin Bekker¹, Sri Chimbli²
¹Stress Engineering Services, Calgary, Canada, ²Stress Engineering Services, Houston, USA

184 Integrity Management of Axial Stress Corrosion Cracking (ASCC), and Selective Seam Weld Corrosion (SSWC) Using Multi-field CMFL ILI Technology
Ron Thompson¹, Richard Kania², Guillermo Solano², Andrew Corbett², David Kania³
¹Novitech Inc., Vaughn, Canada, ²KanEnergy Partners, Inc., Calgary, Canada, ³Novitech Inc., Calgary, Canada

17:30 Conference Day 1 concludes

Reception sponsored by Enduro

Wednesday, February 8

7:00 Breakfast
7:00 Registrations open
  1.0 Plenary - Opening Session
Session chair: Tyler Tunic, Williams
8:00 Opening remarks

1. PHMSA Updates Related to Data and GIS

Monique Roberts¹, Leigha Gooding², Blaine Keener²

¹PODS Association, Houston, USA, ²PHMSA, Washington DC, USA

8:45 Young Pipeline Professional Annual Recognition Award Presentation

2. Evaluating the Suitability of the US Pipeline Network for Hydrogen Service

Simon Slater¹, Neil Gallon², Ryan Sager³, Richard Ingolia³, Sebastiaan Schuite³


¹ROSEN, Columbus, USA, ²ROSEN, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, ³ROSEN, Houston, USA,


3. Your API 5L Vintage Line Pipe Fracture Toughness Data Would Likely Fall Within This Range

Sergio Limon¹, Carlos Madera², Kevin Coulter³, Ken George⁴, Ravi Krishnamurthy⁴

¹Blade Energy Partners, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, ²Dow Chemical, Angleton, TX, USA, ³Dow Chemical, Freeport, TX, USA, ⁴Blade Energy Partners, Houston, TX, USA

10:00 Refreshment Break
Session chair: Dr Andrew Cosham, Ninth Planet Engineering Ltd

4. Applying API RP 1183 to  Real-World In-Line Inspection Dent Data

Aaron Lockey¹, Susannah Turner¹, Tim Turner¹, Mike Kirkwood² 

¹Highgrade Associates, Newcastle, UK, ²T.D. Williamson, Swindon, UK


5. An Optimal Approach on Acceptance Criteria for Ripples in Pipeline Field Bends Under Internal Pressures

Enyang Wang¹, Aaron Dinovitzer¹, Rick Gailing¹, Abdelfettah Fredj¹, Bingyan Fang², Jing Ma³

¹BMT, Ottawa, Canada, ²Baker Hughes, Calgary, Canada, ³Exxon Mobil, Houston, USA


6. Three Emerging Threats: Climate Change, Cyberattack and Vandalism

Eduardo Munoz¹

¹Dynamic Risk, Calgary, Canada


Lunch sponsored by Enduro

  1.1 Integrity Management 1 2.1 ILI Verification 1 3.1 Dents 1 4.1 Pigging Operations 1 Sponsored by WELDFIT
  Session chair: Dr. Fan Zhang, Phillips 66 Session chair: Dr. Tom Bubenik, DNV Session chair: Terry Shamblin, Equitrans Midstream Session chair: Dr. Peter Veloo, PG&E

7. Thought Bias: The Hidden Pipeline Integrity Threat

Michael Rosenfeld¹, Joel Anderson¹

¹RSI Pipeline Solutions, LLC, New Albany, USA

12. Pipeline Integrity Dig Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Improvements

Nathan Weigl¹, Jordan Brooke¹, Alireza Kohandehghan²

¹Pacific Northern Gas Ltd., Smithers, Canada, ²Pacific Northern Gas Ltd., Vancouver, Canada

17. 192 Final Rule (RIN2) – Essential Elements and Guidelines to Perform a Dent Engineering Critical Assessment

Shanshan Wu¹, Joe Bratton¹, David Kemp², Jing Wang³

¹DNV, DUBLIN, USA, ²DNV, Dublin, USA, ³TC Energy, Calgary, Canada

22. ILI Tool Speed Control Using Gas Recompression – Better Data / No Venting or Flaring

Adam Murray¹, Branden Allen¹

¹WeldFit Corporation, Houston, USA


8. Pipeline Integrity Management Applications Using High Fidelity Fiber Optic Monitoring & Machine Learning

Ehsan Jalilian¹, Steven Koles¹, Mike Hooper¹, John Hull¹

¹Hifi, Calgary, Canada

13. Limitations and pitfalls of non-destructive examination techniques for the validation of in-line inspections

Sayan Pipatpan¹, Tannia Haro²

¹NDT Global, Stutensee, Germany, ²NDT Global, Houston, USA

18. Detaining Dents – Determining Restraint for Dents Measured by ILI Case Study

Christopher Newton¹, Jonathan Hardy²

¹Phillips 66, USA, ²T.D. Williamson, USA


14. Perception vs Reality: Managing ILI Verification for Internal Corrosion

Paul Spoering¹, Mike Niosi¹, Taras Bolgachenko¹, Keith Walters¹

¹Onstream Pipeline Inspection, Calgary, Canada

19. Investigating the Impact of Changes to Formation Strain Predictions on Dent Integrity Management of Gas Pipelines

Morry Bankehsaz¹, Ryan Sager¹, David Slane²

¹ROSEN USA, Houston, USA, ²PG&E, San Ramon, USA

24. Keeping Pigging Safely Grounded as Hydrogen Takes-Off

Neil McKnight¹,Mike Kirkwood¹

¹T.D. Willliamson, Newcastle, UK

3:30 Refreshment Break
  1.2 Material Identification / Verification 1 2.2 'Unpiggable' Pipelines 3.2 Dents 2 4.2 Pigging Operations 2
  Session chair: Dr. Keith Leewis, L&A, Inc. Session chair: Nelson Tonui, Trans Mountain Canada Inc. Session chair: Terry Shamblin, Equitrans Midstream Session chair: Christopher De Leon, D2 Integrity

10. A Probabilistic Method to Predict Nominal Wall Thickness

Owen Oneal¹, Masoud Moghtaderi-Zadeh¹, Peter Veloo¹, Colin Bullard¹, Cameron Fisch¹, Michael Fernandez²

¹Pacific Gas & Electric, Oakland, USA, ²Kiefner & Associates, Inc., Sugarland, USA

15. Preventing Product Releases into Coastal Waterways and Ship Channels

Joseph Lamberth¹

¹Quest Integrity, Stafford, USA

20. Navigating the New §192.712 Regulation on Dents

Rhett Dotson¹, Fernando Curiel²

¹D2 Integrity, LLC, Houston, USA, ²DCP Midstream, Houston, USA

25. Using Controlled Acoustics to Find a Stuck Pig

Steven Bourgoyne¹, David Murray¹

¹Seismos, Austin, USA


11. Operator Statistical and Probabilistic Grade Estimation Using API 1176

Tara McMahan¹, William Harper¹, Tom Bubenik¹, Benjamin Hanna¹, Adriana Nenciu²

¹DNV GL, Dublin, USA, ²Otterbein University, Westerville, USA

16. OPEX Optimization for Un-piggable Vent Line/Low Flow Pipeline via Self-Propelling Robotic ILI Tool

Mohamed Ali Abdullah¹

¹PETRONAS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia





21. Full-Scale Fatigue Testing and Assessment of Dents on Brittle Longitudinal Welds – A Detailed Management Approach for a Liquid Pipeline in Chile

Pedro Guillen¹, Jamie Martin¹, Ricardo Alarcon², Roberto Jadue²

¹ROSEN Group, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, ²SONACOL, Santiago, Chile

26. The Mega Rule brings greater challenges to "Pigging the Unpiggable".

Buck Houchin¹, Martin Ridge², Dorian Granizo², Joe Conine²

¹PIC Chemicals, Tomball, USA, ²Sanccus Limited, Aberdeen, UK

5:30 Conference Day 1 concludes

Exhibition Reception sponsored by Intero