test #2

Tuesday, February 7

5:00pm Registration, exhibition opens

Exhibition Reception sponsored by ROSEN

Wednesday, February 8

7:00 Breakfast
7:00 Registrations open
  1.0 Plenary - Opening Session
Session chair: Tyler Tunic, Williams
8:00 Opening remarks

1. PHMSA Updates Related to Data and GIS

Monique Roberts¹, Leigha Gooding², Blaine Keener²

¹PODS Association, Houston, USA, ²PHMSA, Washington DC, USA

8:45 Young Pipeline Professional Annual Recognition Award Presentation

2. Evaluating the Suitability of the US Pipeline Network for Hydrogen Service

Simon Slater¹, Neil Gallon², Ryan Sager³, Richard Ingolia³, Sebastiaan Schuite³


¹ROSEN, Columbus, USA, ²ROSEN, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, ³ROSEN, Houston, USA,


3. Your API 5L Vintage Line Pipe Fracture Toughness Data Would Likely Fall Within This Range

Sergio Limon¹, Carlos Madera², Kevin Coulter³, Ken George⁴, Ravi Krishnamurthy⁴

¹Blade Energy Partners, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, ²Dow Chemical, Angleton, TX, USA, ³Dow Chemical, Freeport, TX, USA, ⁴Blade Energy Partners, Houston, TX, USA

10:00 Refreshment Break
Session chair: Dr Andrew Cosham, Ninth Planet Engineering Ltd

4. Applying API RP 1183 to  Real-World In-Line Inspection Dent Data

Aaron Lockey¹, Susannah Turner¹, Tim Turner¹, Mike Kirkwood² 

¹Highgrade Associates, Newcastle, UK, ²T.D. Williamson, Swindon, UK


5. An Optimal Approach on Acceptance Criteria for Ripples in Pipeline Field Bends Under Internal Pressures

Enyang Wang¹, Aaron Dinovitzer¹, Rick Gailing¹, Abdelfettah Fredj¹, Bingyan Fang², Jing Ma³

¹BMT, Ottawa, Canada, ²Baker Hughes, Calgary, Canada, ³Exxon Mobil, Houston, USA


6. Three Emerging Threats: Climate Change, Cyberattack and Vandalism

Eduardo Munoz¹

¹Dynamic Risk, Calgary, Canada


Lunch sponsored by Enduro

  1.1 Integrity Management 1 2.1 ILI Verification 1 3.1 Dents 1 4.1 Pigging Operations 1 Sponsored by WELDFIT
  Session chair: Dr. Fan Zhang, Phillips 66 Session chair: Dr. Tom Bubenik, DNV Session chair: Terry Shamblin, Equitrans Midstream Session chair: Dr. Peter Veloo, PG&E

7. Thought Bias: The Hidden Pipeline Integrity Threat

Michael Rosenfeld¹, Joel Anderson¹

¹RSI Pipeline Solutions, LLC, New Albany, USA

12. Pipeline Integrity Dig Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Improvements

Nathan Weigl¹, Jordan Brooke¹, Alireza Kohandehghan²

¹Pacific Northern Gas Ltd., Smithers, Canada, ²Pacific Northern Gas Ltd., Vancouver, Canada

17. 192 Final Rule (RIN2) – Essential Elements and Guidelines to Perform a Dent Engineering Critical Assessment

Shanshan Wu¹, Joe Bratton¹, David Kemp², Jing Wang³

¹DNV, DUBLIN, USA, ²DNV, Dublin, USA, ³TC Energy, Calgary, Canada

22. ILI Tool Speed Control Using Gas Recompression – Better Data / No Venting or Flaring

Adam Murray¹, Branden Allen¹

¹WeldFit Corporation, Houston, USA


8. Pipeline Integrity Management Applications Using High Fidelity Fiber Optic Monitoring & Machine Learning

Ehsan Jalilian¹, Steven Koles¹, Mike Hooper¹, John Hull¹

¹Hifi, Calgary, Canada

13. Limitations and pitfalls of non-destructive examination techniques for the validation of in-line inspections

Sayan Pipatpan¹, Tannia Haro²

¹NDT Global, Stutensee, Germany, ²NDT Global, Houston, USA

18. Detaining Dents – Determining Restraint for Dents Measured by ILI Case Study

Christopher Newton¹, Jonathan Hardy²

¹Phillips 66, USA, ²T.D. Williamson, USA


14. Perception vs Reality: Managing ILI Verification for Internal Corrosion

Paul Spoering¹, Mike Niosi¹, Taras Bolgachenko¹, Keith Walters¹

¹Onstream Pipeline Inspection, Calgary, Canada

19. Investigating the Impact of Changes to Formation Strain Predictions on Dent Integrity Management of Gas Pipelines

Morry Bankehsaz¹, Ryan Sager¹, David Slane²

¹ROSEN USA, Houston, USA, ²PG&E, San Ramon, USA

24. Keeping Pigging Safely Grounded as Hydrogen Takes-Off

Neil McKnight¹,Mike Kirkwood¹

¹T.D. Willliamson, Newcastle, UK

3:30 Refreshment Break
  1.2 Material Identification / Verification 1 2.2 'Unpiggable' Pipelines 3.2 Dents 2 4.2 Pigging Operations 2
  Session chair: Dr. Keith Leewis, L&A, Inc. Session chair: Nelson Tonui, Trans Mountain Canada Inc. Session chair: Terry Shamblin, Equitrans Midstream Session chair: Christopher De Leon, D2 Integrity

10. A Probabilistic Method to Predict Nominal Wall Thickness

Owen Oneal¹, Masoud Moghtaderi-Zadeh¹, Peter Veloo¹, Colin Bullard¹, Cameron Fisch¹, Michael Fernandez²

¹Pacific Gas & Electric, Oakland, USA, ²Kiefner & Associates, Inc., Sugarland, USA

15. Preventing Product Releases into Coastal Waterways and Ship Channels

Joseph Lamberth¹

¹Quest Integrity, Stafford, USA

20. Navigating the New §192.712 Regulation on Dents

Rhett Dotson¹, Fernando Curiel²

¹D2 Integrity, LLC, Houston, USA, ²DCP Midstream, Houston, USA

25. Using Controlled Acoustics to Find a Stuck Pig

Steven Bourgoyne¹, David Murray¹

¹Seismos, Austin, USA


11. Operator Statistical and Probabilistic Grade Estimation Using API 1176

Tara McMahan¹, William Harper¹, Tom Bubenik¹, Benjamin Hanna¹, Adriana Nenciu²

¹DNV GL, Dublin, USA, ²Otterbein University, Westerville, USA

16. OPEX Optimization for Un-piggable Vent Line/Low Flow Pipeline via Self-Propelling Robotic ILI Tool

Mohamed Ali Abdullah¹

¹PETRONAS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia





21. Full-Scale Fatigue Testing and Assessment of Dents on Brittle Longitudinal Welds – A Detailed Management Approach for a Liquid Pipeline in Chile

Pedro Guillen¹, Jamie Martin¹, Ricardo Alarcon², Roberto Jadue²

¹ROSEN Group, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, ²SONACOL, Santiago, Chile

26. The Mega Rule brings greater challenges to "Pigging the Unpiggable".

Buck Houchin¹, Martin Ridge², Dorian Granizo², Joe Conine²

¹PIC Chemicals, Tomball, USA, ²Sanccus Limited, Aberdeen, UK

5:30 Conference Day 1 concludes

Exhibition Reception sponsored by Intero

Thursday, February 9

7:00 Breakfast
7:00 Registration open
  5.1 ILI Analysis 1 6.1 Material Identification / Verification 2 7.1 Security & Theft 8.1 Crack Assessment & Management
  Session chair: Gary Krichau, Northern Natural Gas Company Session chair: Tara McMahan, DNV Session chair: Marcelino Guedes Gomes, PIPELINEBRAZIL Session chair: Dr. Jing Ma, ExxonMobil

27. Minimizing the Error in Corrosion Growth Rate Estimation from Box-to-Signal Matching

Jed Ludlow¹, Jonathan Hardy¹

¹T.D. Williamson, Salt Lake City, USA

38. Variability and Mitigative Measures for Estimating Yield Strength in Line Pipe by Instrumented Indentation Testing

Peter Martin¹, Jeffrey Kornuta², Emily Brady², Nathan Switzner², Jonathan Gibbs³, Peter Veloo³

¹RSI, New Albany, USA, ²Exponent, Houston, USA, ³Pacific Gas & Electric, Walnut Creek, USA

62. Overcoming detection and sizing challenges for slanted/skewed cracking by combining axial and circumferential crack detection In-line inspections

Oscar Anguila¹, Francisco Ibarrola¹, Jordi Aymerich¹, Rogelio Guajardo¹, Katherine Hartl²

¹NDT Global, Barcelona, Spain, ²NDT Global, Houston, USA


28. Lessons Learned from Applying Probability of Exceedance (POE) Analyses

Tom Bubenik¹, Steven Polasik¹, Ben Hanna¹

¹DNV USA, Dublin, USA

39. Identifying Irregular and Erroneous Chemical Composition Data from In Situ Nondestructive Testing

Janille Maragh¹, Peter Martin², Joel Anderson2, Jonathan Gibbs³, Jeffrey Kornuta⁴, Peter Veloo³

¹Exponent, Inc., Menlo Park, USA, ²RSI Pipeline Solutions LLC, New Albany, USA, ³Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Ramon, USA, ⁴Exponent, Inc., Houston, USA

51. Challenges Facing Illegal Tapping: Pipeline Protection in Brazil

Fabio Evangelho¹

¹Petrobras Transporte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

63. Leveraging ILI Crack Profiles

Lyndon Lamborn¹, Stephan Tappert²

¹Enbridge Liquids Pipelines, Edmonton, Canada, ²Baker Hughes, Stutensee, Germany


29. Beyond Standard ILI Analysis – Meaningful Interaction to Look Out for Specific Threat

Dennis Vogel¹, Gurwinder Nagra², Matthew Ma², Garrett Meijer²

¹Baker Hughes, Stutensee, Germany, ²Enbridge, Edmonton, Canada

40. Combining Nondestructive Techniques to Obtain Full Vintage Pipeline Asset Fracture Toughness at Both the Seam and Pipe Body

Intisar Rizwan i Haque¹, Bryan Feigel¹, Brendon Willey¹, Simon Bellemare¹, Parth Patel¹

¹Massachusettes Materials Technologies, Natick, USA

52. Use of ILI data to identify illegal tapping

Milton Carvajalino¹

¹CENIT, Bogotá, Colombia

64. Burst Pressure Prediction for Axial Cracks in Pipelines with Complex Profiles

Thomas Dessein¹, Ted Anderson²

¹Integral Engineering, Edmonton, Canada, ²TL Anderson Consulting, Cape Coral, USA

9:30 Refreshment Break
  5.2 Integrity Management 2 6.2 ILI Verification 2 7.2 Geohazards, sponsored by ROSEN 8.2 Stress Corrosion Cracking
  Session chair: Dr. Keith Leewis, L&A, Inc. Session chair: Zoe Shall, PRCI Session chair: Bryan Melan, Tide Water Integrity Services Session chair: Dr. Fan Zhang, Phillips 66

41. ILI Validation Case Study: Evaluating the impact of a weld cap on a vintage ERW pipeline inspected with an ultrasonic crack detection tool

Ian Smith¹, Ted Anderson²

¹IDSmith Pipeline Engineering, London, Canada, ²TL Anderson Consulting, Cape Coral, USA

53. Above and Below: A Holistic Geohazard Monitoring Solution

Daniel Bahrenburg¹, Andy Young², Jason Edwards², Amin Singh², John Norman³

¹ROSEN, Houston, USA, ²ROSEN, Newcastle, UK, ³Teren, Lakewood, USA

65. Phenomenology and Traits of SCC – and the ILI Challenge it Presents

Brian Leis¹

¹BN Leis Consultant Inc., Worthington, USA


31. The future of in-line inspection (ILI). Will the new U.S. gas-gathering pipeline regulations make us safer?

Bernardo Cuervo¹, Mark McQueen¹

¹G2 Integrated Solutions, now Entrust Solutions Group, Houston, USA

42. Tool Performance Estimation Considering the Effect of Fixed vs Variable Slope

Thomas Dessein¹, Alex Fraser¹, Juan Rojas¹, Jason Skow¹

¹Integral Engineering, Edmonton, Canada

54. How should we respond to geohazards?

Rhett Dotson¹, Alex McKenzie-Johnson²

¹D2 Integrity, LLC, Houston, USA, ²Geosyntec Consultants, Inc., The Woodlands, USA

66. Fatigue Testing (Small and Full Scale) Validation of SCC Recoating

Ryan Milligan¹, Ming Gao¹, Ravi Krishnamurthy¹, Richard Kania², Elvis Sanjuan²

¹Blade Energy Partners, Houston, USA, ²TC Energy, Calgary, Canada


32. Survey of Impact: RIN-2 Final Rule – Safety of Gas Transmission Pipelines

Chris Bullock¹, Lara Gran², Luke Whitrock³

¹Integrity Solutions Ltd, Bossier City, USA, ²Integrity Solutions Ltd, Missoula, USA, ³Integrity Solutions Ltd, Denver, USA

43. Tolerance of ILI validation inspections, why is it important, and how to reduce it

Tom Oldfield¹, Spencer Fowler², Daniel Torres²

¹ROSEN, Newcastle, UK, ²ROSEN, Houston, USA

55. Management of Geohazard Personnel Safety for Working in Challenging Terrain

Emily Ortis¹, Tim Waggott², Evan Shih³, Dave Gauthier³, Chad Fournier³

¹Pacific Northern Gas, Vancouver, Canada, ²Pacific Northern Gas, Terrace, Canada, ³BGC ENGINEERING INC., Vancouver, Canada

67. From One to Many – Composite Repair of SCC

Casey Whalen¹, David Futch², Sean Moran³

¹CSNRI, Houston, USA, ²ADV Integrity, Waller, USA, ³Williams, Salt Lake City, USA

12:00 Lunch
  5.3 ILI Analyis 2 6.3 ILI Applications 1 7.3 Engineering Assessment 1 8.3 Crack Assessment & Management 2
  Session chair: Terry Shamblin, Equitrans Midstream Session chair: Daniel Ostahowski, Williams Session chair: Bryan Melan, Tide Water Integrity Services Session chair: Dr. Tom Bubenik, DNV

44. A Novel Concept Addressing Material Properties and Loading Conditions with a Dynamic Micro-Magnetic Sensor

Sebastian Huehn¹, Dietbert Wortelen¹, Werner Thale¹, Christian Otte¹

¹ROSEN Technology and Research Center GmbH, Lingen, Germany

56. Leveraging Engineering Assessments and Engineering Critical Assessments for an Enhanced and Practical Approach to Evaluating Pipeline Conditions

Parth Iyer¹, Cassandra Moody²

¹Dynamic Risk Assessment Systems, Inc., Calgary, Canada, ²Time For Change, LLC., Houston, USA

68. Measuring Toughness with Instrumented Indentation Methods: Fact or Fiction?

Ted Anderson¹

¹TL Anderson Consulting, Cape Coral, USA


34. Assessing the Accurate Topography of Complex Channeling Corrosion by Means of Ultrasonic Wall Measurement Tools - a Case Study and Experiences

Kerstin Munsel¹, Katherine Hartl¹, Christoph Jaeger², Santiago Urrea³

¹NDT Global, Houston, USA, ²NDT Global, Stutensee, Germany, ³NDT Global, Stutensee, USA

45. Knowing the Long Seam: Essential Insights Using UHR MFL Technology

Miguel Galeana¹, Rick Desaulnier¹

¹Entegra, Indianapolis, USA

57. Room Temperature Time Dependent Creep Behavior of Low Frequency ERW Pipe Seams and Implications on Managing Pressure Reverals in Hydrostatic Tests

Dave Warman¹, Dan Jia¹, Yong-Yi Wang¹, Michael Bongiovi², Chad Destigter²

¹Center for Reliable Energy Systems, Dublin, USA, ²Enterprise Products, Houston, USA

69. A Simplified Implementation to Estimate the Upper Shelf Energy and Transition Temperature from Limited Charpy V-Notch Data Sets

Nathan Switzner¹, Michael Rosenfeld², Peter Martin², Peter Veloo³, Brian Patrick³, Lanya Ahmed³, Joel Anderson⁴

¹American University of Iraq, Sulaimani, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, ²RSI -Pipeline Solutions, New Albany, USA, ³Pacific Gas and Electric, San Ramon, USA, ⁴RSI -Pipeline Solutions, Oklahoma City, USA


46. Making Hard Decisions

Simon Slater¹, Khanh Tran¹, Ann Reo², Sean Moran², Jason Edwards¹, David Futch³

¹ROSEN, Columbus, USA, ²Williams, Tulsa, USA, ³ADV Integrity, Magnolia, USA

58. Accounting for Residual Stress in the Predicted Failure Pressure Calculation

Michael Rosenfeld¹, Scott Fannin²

¹RSI Pipeline Solutions LLC, New Albany, USA, ²Pacific Gas and Electric, San Ramon, USA

70. CVN or CTOD for Pipeline Fracture Mechanics? An Overview of Advantages and Disadvantages

Jonathan Brewer¹, Colton Sheets¹

¹Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA

3:00 Refreshment Break
  5.4 Risk Assessment 6.4 Selective Seam Weld Corrosion (SSWC) sponsored by NDT Global 7.4 Engineering Assessment 2 8.4 Crack Assessment & Management 3
  Session chair: Gary Krichau, Northern Natural Gas Company Session chair: Bryan Melan, Tide Water Integrity Services Session chair: Dr. Peter Veloo, PG&E Session chair: Dr. Jing Ma, ExxonMobil

35. Optimizing Risk Decisions with Imperfect Data

Joel Anderson¹

¹RSI Pipeline Solutions, Oklahoma City, USA

47. Validating Selective Seam Weld Corrosion Classification Using ILI Technology

Matthew Romney¹, Dane Burden¹, Ron Lundstrom¹

¹T.D. Williamson, Salt Lake City, USA

59. Estimate Pressure at Feature Location in a Complex Pipeline System

Fan Zhang¹, Daniel Gutierrez¹

¹Phillips 66, Houston, USA

71. A Case Study of Crack Diagnosis in Natural Gas Liquid Pipelines

Nathan Leslie¹, Sayan Pipatpan², Andreina Guedez¹

¹NDT-Global, Houston, USA, ²NDT-Global, Stutensee, Germany


36. Estimating Excavation Damage (Outside Force) 'Hit Rates' Using Machine Learning Models Trained on In-Line Inspection Data and Geographical Information

James White¹, Steven Carrell¹, Amine Ait Si Ali¹, Jonny Martin¹, Roland Palmer-Jones¹

¹ROSEN Group, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

48. Development of a Multi-Diameter and Low-pressure Compatible Tool to Inspect for Selective Seam Weld Corrosion

John Nonemaker¹, Lance Wethey¹, Colin Bradley2, Mustafa Jamaly², Susanna Kaumeyer2, Kirk Strachan²

¹ROSEN, Houston, USA, ²Enbridge, Houston, USA

60. Effect of Pipe-Soil Interaction Parameters on Pipeline Thermal Stress Analysis

Kshama Roy¹, Suborno Debnath², Joseph Bratton¹

¹DNV Canada Ltd., Calgary, Canada, ²Northern Crescent Inc.

72. Failure Analyses and Consequent Mitigation: Case Studies

Ming Gao¹, Ravi Krishnamurthy¹

¹Blade Energy Partners, Houston, USA


49. ILI Ultrasonic Shear Wave and Compression Wave Inspections Capabilities for Selective Seam Corrosion

Rogelio Guajardo¹, Debbie Wong², Anna Rodriguez², Diego Luna³

¹NDT Global, Barcelona, Spain, ²NDT Global, Calgary, Canada, ³NDT Global, Mexico City, Mexico





61. Know When Using MFL for Effective Area is Wrong!

Christopher De Leon¹

¹D2 Integrity, Houston, USA

73. Optimizing a Reassessment Plan with Probabilistic Monte Carlo Analysis: a Summary of Recent Developments to Better Support Operational Decision-Making

Michael Turnquist¹, Ted Anderson², Miguel Martinez¹

¹Quest Integrity, Boulder, CO, USA, ²TL Anderson Consulting, Cape Coral, USA

5:00 Conference Day 2 concludes

Friday, February 10

7:00 Breakfast
7:00 Registration open
  9.1 ILI Analysis 3 10.1 Repair 11.1 ILI Applications 2
  Session chair: Jennifer Ward, APA Group Session chair: Dr. Chris Alexander, ADV Integrity Session chair: Dr. Jing Ma, ExxonMobil

74. Determining Active vs Passive Internal Corrosion Using Data Science

Yevgeniy Petrov¹, Megan Scudder¹

¹OneBridge Solutions, Boise, USA

81. Leveraging Multiple ILIs and Technologies to Identify Possible Integrity Threats Under Type A Sleeves

Michael Plishka¹, Kelsey Hooten¹, Jason Williams¹, Matthew Lewis²

¹Colonial Pipeline Company, Alpharetta, USA ²Quest Integrity, Stafford, USA

88. Axial Flaw and Crack Detection in Multi-diameter Low-Pressure Gas Pipelines

Lance Wethey¹, Pete Clyde², John Nonemaker²

¹ROSEN, Houston, USA, ²LG&E, Louisville, USA





75. Integrity Planning Utilizing In-Line Inspection Data

Brian Dew¹, Amin Eshraghi¹, Evelyn Rawlick¹

¹Acuren, Calgary, Canada

82. Use of Mobile Fleet of Leak Detection Devices to Mitigate Risk During Pipeline Repair Program

Adrian Banica¹, Steve Edmondson¹, Tim Edward²

¹Direct-C, Edmonton, Canada, ²Onebridge, Edmonton, Canada


76. Application of Advanced Data Analytics to Improve Metal Loss Tolerance Specifications

Geoff Hurd¹, Keila Caridad², Scott Miller¹, Melissa Gurney¹, Samaneh Sadeghi¹, Aaron Schartner², Vincent Tse²

¹Baker Hughes, Calgary, Canada, ²TC Energy, Calgary, Canada

90. High-resolution crack inspection of gas pipelines using guided wave technology

Willem Vos¹, Thomas Hennig¹

¹NDT Global, Bergen, Norway





77. Tool Tolerances in MFL In-line Inspection and Why They're Needed

Kenneth Maxfield¹, Mark Briell²

¹KMAX Inspection, Millcreek, USA, ²KMAX Inspection, Toronto, Canada

84. New Repair Technology - the Path to Field Deployment.

Shawn Laughlin¹

¹Pipe Spring LLC, The Woodlands, USA

91. Inline Inspection Monitoring and Data Interpretation Using Fiber-Optic Sensing

Jerry Worsley¹, Jason Reynaud², Tony McMurtrey³, Adnan Chughtai4, Josh May4

¹Schlumberger Midstream Production Systems, Dubai, UAE, ²Schlumberger Midstream Production Systems, Houston, USA, 3Midstream Integrity Services, San Antonio, USA, 4Schlumberger Midstream Production Systems, London, UK


Refreshment break

  9.2 ILI Verification 3 10.2 Material Identification / Verification 3 11.2 EMAT
  Session chair: Zoe Shall, PRCI Session chair: Matthew Ellinger, DNV Session chair: Bryan Melan, Tide Water Integrity Services

85. Know your Materials! On-site Non-Destructive Materials Testing for Gas Transmission Pipelines

Travers Schwarz¹, Trevor Foster¹, Steven Kinikin¹, Aaron Crowder²

¹SMUD, Sacramento, USA, ²Massachusetts Materials Technologies, Natick, USA

92. INGAA's EMAT Technical Guidance Document Knowledge Transfer

Christopher De Leon¹, Rhett Dotson¹

¹D2 Integrity, Houston, USA


79. Dig Data Warehouse to Enable ILI Continuous Improvement

Hong Sang¹, Pu Gong¹, Nathan Verity¹

¹Onstream Pipeline Inspection Services Inc., Calgary, Canada

93. EMAT Lessons Learned Using Direct Assessment Findings

Matthew Romney¹, Kayla Stark Barker¹, Ron Lundstrom¹, Daniel Bruce², Alireza Kohandehghan³

¹T.D. Williamson, Salt Lake City, USA, ²Pacific Northern Gas, Terrace, Canada, ³Pacific Northern Gas, Vancouver, Canada


80. Comparing Laser Scans Against In-Line Inspections and Quantifying Bias for Assessment Methods

Sayan Pipatpan¹, Andreas Pfanger¹

¹NDT Global, Stutensee, Germany

87. Validating and Quantifying In Situ NDT Uncertainty of Line Pipe Material Properties

Jeffrey Kornuta¹, Joel Anderson², Emily Brady², Janille Maragh³, Peter Veloo⁴

¹Exponent, Inc., Houston, USA, ²RSI Pipeline Solutions, New Albany, USA, ³Exponent, Inc., Menlo Park, USA, ⁴PG&E, Walnut Creek, USA

94. Enhancing EMAT Crack Detection Services Using State of the Art Deep Learning

Stephan Eule¹, Thomas Beuker¹, Neil Pain²

¹ROSEN EU, Lingen, Germany, ²ROSEN USA, Houston, USA

12:00 Conference concludes