Deadline for abstract submissions: July 8, 2025

The industry forum devoted exclusively to pigging for pipeline maintenance and inspection, engineering assessment, repair, risk management and NDE.

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PPIM is an international forum focused on engineering and technology for onshore & subsea pipeline inspection, assessment and repair, as well as regulatory compliance and Integrity Management Programs.

Broadly, our primary criteria for selection of papers to be presented at PPIM are:
*Operator involvement and/or real-world experience;
*Technical not commercial (and technically sound);
*Respected author/institutions;
*Broad appeal and/or novel/new technologies.

PPIM draws more than 4000 engineering management and field operating personnel from pipeline transmission and distribution companies, service companies and equipment providers concerned with improved operations and integrity management in the transportation of natural gas, crude oil, refined products, LNG, RNG, LPG, CO2 and hydrogen.

Papers will be published and distributed to the conference delegates in encrypted PDF format. In addition, PPIM conference papers will be incorporated in the SCOPUS® abstract & citation database which is used by leading academic, business, and government institutions. Individual papers will also be freely available to these institutions in order to promote citation and reference.

Proposals should be sent to the PPIM submissions editor here:

Final abstracts deadline: July 8, 2025
Event dates: January 19-22, 2026

Ben Stroman, Executive Editor
e-mail: bstroman@clarion.org
phone: +1 713 359 0016